





You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.


The bar chart and the table show the populations and average ages of people in three countries in1950,2000 and 2050.


Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

You should write at least 150 words.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.


The bar chart and the table show the populations and average ages of people in three countries in1950,2000 and 2050.


Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

You should write at least 150 words.








The bar chart shows the population changes in three countries between 1950 and2050 and the table reveals the citizens' average ages during the same period.


Among the three countries, it is obvious that China had the most dramatic increase in population. In 1950, there were only 200 million people in China;however,50 years later, its population rose sharply to 1000 million,five times of the previous level. Moreover, it is projected that the population in China will reach an astonishing 1400 million in 2050. In contrast, population changes in the other two countries are far less drastic, with the United States climbing to almost 700 million in 2050 and Spain growing to 100 million in 2000 and returning to nearly 60 million in 2050, both according to demographic predictions.


In terms of the average ages of people, it is in China again that we witness a substantial growth. In 1950, Chinese people's average age was only 65 years,the lowest among the three countries, while a century later that figure is expected to become the highest - 83 years. In comparison, American citizen's average age shows little variation: it stood at 73 years in 1950, increased to75 years in 2000 and will decrease slightly to 74 years in 2050. Similar to the situation in China, Spanish people's average age grew steadily from 70 to 72years between 1950 and 2000 and is going to reach 77 years in 2050.


In conclusion, the general trend that people's average ages in all three countries,especially China and Spain, are on the rise indicates that there will be an increasingly large proportion of senior citizens and a shrinking number of young people in their societies.


布局清晰     描写具体


Introduction 进行“重述”



The bar chart shows the population changes in three countries between 1950and 2050 and the table reveals the citizens' average ages during the same period.


Main Body1对人口变化情况进行“描述一”



Among the three countries, it is obvious that China had the most dramatic increase in population.


Main Body 1对人口变化情况进行“描述二”



In 1950, there were only 200 million people in China; however, 50 years later, its population rose sharply to 1000 million, five times of the previous level.


Main Body 1对人口变化情况进行“描述三”



Moreover, it is projected that the population in China will reach an astonishing1400 million in 2050.


Main Body1对人口变化情况进行“描述四”



In contrast, population changes in the other two countries are far less drastic,with the United States climbing to almost 700 million in 2050 and Spain growing to 100 million in 2000 and returning to nearly 60 million in 2050, both according to demographic predictions.


Main Body 2对人口的平均年龄进行“描述一”



In terms of the average ages of people, it is in China again that we witness a substantial growth.


Main Body 2对人口的平均年龄进行“描述二”



In 1950, Chinese people's average age was only 65 years, the lowest among the three countries, while a century later that figure is expected to become the highest83 years.


Main Body 2对人口的平均年龄进行“描述三”



In comparison, American citizen's average age shows little variation:it stood at 73 years in 1950, increased to 75 years in 2000 and will decrease slightly to74 years in 2050.


Main Body 2对人口的平均年龄进行“描述四”



Similar to the situation in China, Spanish people's average age grew steadily from 70 to 72 years between 1950 and 2000 and is going to reach 77 years in2050.


Conclusion 揭示出“总体规律”及其意义



In conclusion, the general trend that people's average ages in all three countries, especially China and Spain, are on the rise indicates that there will be an increasingly large proportion of senior citizens and a shrinking number of young people in their societies.



